Relationships VS Sex
Sex and intimacy is very important in healthy relationship! Making love is a key way to connect with your partner on all levels. Lets face it making love in real life is far from what we see in the movies or read in our romance novels. If there you and your partner are talking about making that first step into intimacy or if you are a couple who are just looking to spice up things in the bed room I've got some sexy tips, tricks, and advice for you love birds!
Movies and romance novels make making love look so simple, easy, and perfect! That is just not how it works in real life. Sometimes positions don't always work and sometimes things just don't go as planned. Sometimes you may even get some weird body sounds. The most important thing is to be ready and be relaxed. Don't put too much pressure on yourself if you aren't ready then take your time! If your partner truly loves you and wants to be with you he/she will wait till you are ready. Before you can truly make love you have to love yourself. You have to love your body. You have to feel confident and sexy in your own skin. If you don't feel comfortable in your skin then you won't be comfortable when it comes time to make love. Take as much time as you need. If your partner is willing to wait but get antsy there are other things you can do with out having sex. If you aren't ready to make love but are comfortable about exploring other ways of intimacy there are a few things you and your partner can try and can even bring you closer as a couple. 1) A make out session! Just relax and go with it. kissing can be so powerful and passionate that you don't even have to take your clothes off to enjoy it. 2) Some heavy petting 3) Male attention. If your man is being patient about waiting you should reward him with some special attention just for him! 4) Intimate messages 5) Masturbation. Touching yourself and each other can be great from getting sexually comfortable with each other. Once you are ready make it special. Plan a date that is special to the relationship. Talk it over with your partner. Plan a special night for the both of you. Make a nice dinner, light a few candles, draw a warm bubble bath for two, play some soft music, take your time with each other, get to know each other's bodies, and above all enjoy each other.

You would think as you get older and as your relationship mature that sex and intimacy would get easier! Everyday stresses such as work, bills, money, children, and school can really hit hard in the bed room. Once you are officially a grown up and out on your own you become stressed out,tired, and just completely out of energy. After dealing with work, bills that need to be paid, annoying people, and hyper children all day the last think you wanna do is be sexy at the end of the night. After a hard day once your head hit the people you are normal knocked out! Sadly it has become ok to put intimacy on the back burner due to everyday life! That is so not ok! It is important to keep the fire burning in your relationship. It is important to be passionate with the man or woman you love. You still need to feel like a sexy woman and a wanted man.Some people let life get to them so much they stop kissing and even talking. To keep the passion going it is important to take some time out of life to be together and to be romantic. Here are a few things to keeping it hot in a long term relationship. 1) Date night! You should at least go out every two weeks on a romantic date. Go to a nice quite dinner, a romantic walk through a park or beach, catch the movie that you both been dying to see, or go to a concert. 2) A romantic get away. It doesn't have to be every month but once in a blue moon when you have a little extra money in the bank it is ok to go on a romantic weekend trip! The grandparents will love to have the grand-babies for a visit. 3)Dressing up! Trow in something sexy! Try a fun costume or lingerie. 4) Message oils and Lubricants. Have fun go shopping together and pick out new spicy things to try in the bed room.

Making love is all about loving yourself and your soul mate. It is about being full into your own body as well as your partners body. It isn't all about feeling good. It is about connecting on a new level. It is about becoming one with each other body and spirit. It is important to take your time if you aren't ready and not letting the fire die out. Remember that it is important with every new sexual relationship to protect your self and your partner. One of the first things to talk about when starting a sexual relationship is getting tested. You and your partner should both get tested before become sexually active. Talk about protection from pregnancy and STDS. Visit your doctor and make sure you are ready for sex. This is a big step in a relationship don't take it lightly. If your sex life isn't as steamy as it once one just add a little spice to it. Dress up and go out! Even on your most stressful days at the end of the night cuddle up and just talk about your day. If you don't have time for a full on date night schedule some mini dates during the week like a lunch date in the park. Practice make perfect! Don't sweat the small stuff! Have fun! Keep living! Keep loving!
You would think as you get older and as your relationship mature that sex and intimacy would get easier! Everyday stresses such as work, bills, money, children, and school can really hit hard in the bed room. Once you are officially a grown up and out on your own you become stressed out,tired, and just completely out of energy. After dealing with work, bills that need to be paid, annoying people, and hyper children all day the last think you wanna do is be sexy at the end of the night. After a hard day once your head hit the people you are normal knocked out! Sadly it has become ok to put intimacy on the back burner due to everyday life! That is so not ok! It is important to keep the fire burning in your relationship. It is important to be passionate with the man or woman you love. You still need to feel like a sexy woman and a wanted man.Some people let life get to them so much they stop kissing and even talking. To keep the passion going it is important to take some time out of life to be together and to be romantic. Here are a few things to keeping it hot in a long term relationship. 1) Date night! You should at least go out every two weeks on a romantic date. Go to a nice quite dinner, a romantic walk through a park or beach, catch the movie that you both been dying to see, or go to a concert. 2) A romantic get away. It doesn't have to be every month but once in a blue moon when you have a little extra money in the bank it is ok to go on a romantic weekend trip! The grandparents will love to have the grand-babies for a visit. 3)Dressing up! Trow in something sexy! Try a fun costume or lingerie. 4) Message oils and Lubricants. Have fun go shopping together and pick out new spicy things to try in the bed room.
Making love is all about loving yourself and your soul mate. It is about being full into your own body as well as your partners body. It isn't all about feeling good. It is about connecting on a new level. It is about becoming one with each other body and spirit. It is important to take your time if you aren't ready and not letting the fire die out. Remember that it is important with every new sexual relationship to protect your self and your partner. One of the first things to talk about when starting a sexual relationship is getting tested. You and your partner should both get tested before become sexually active. Talk about protection from pregnancy and STDS. Visit your doctor and make sure you are ready for sex. This is a big step in a relationship don't take it lightly. If your sex life isn't as steamy as it once one just add a little spice to it. Dress up and go out! Even on your most stressful days at the end of the night cuddle up and just talk about your day. If you don't have time for a full on date night schedule some mini dates during the week like a lunch date in the park. Practice make perfect! Don't sweat the small stuff! Have fun! Keep living! Keep loving!
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