Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Relationships VS Trust


       Trust and Honesty go hand in hand in any good relationship. The recipe for a great long lasting relationship just won't work without these two accentual ingredients. Trust and honesty have to be built strong from day one! A willingness to be vulnerable is a significant feature of  lasting relationships. You want a relationship in which your partner is your allies not your foe. 


    Where there is no trust there is no love and if there is no trust there is no us. Trust is like glass once you break it no matter how much you try to fix it or try to hold it together it not ever gonna be exactly how it was. A relationship with out trust is like have a cell phone that has no service....what do you do with it? You are just playing games on it. Once you break someone's trust it becomes a crack in the relationship. Just like a crack in a car windshield it starts small but with every bump in the road it just gets worse and worse. However you can't just fix your relationship like you would a windshield. Trust takes years to build up but only seconds to fall apart. 


      Once the trust has been broken you'll start rethinking everything starting back to the beginning. Do they mean it when they say they love me? Is it my fault?  Did he really go to the store or did he go somewhere he should be? How do I trust again? Will they lie again? Will I get hurt again? What else have they not been truthful about? You start second guessing everything your partner does or says. You wanna try to mend things but who's to say they won't lie again. You wanna make it work but you can't just pretend to forgive them when you are still hurting. Broken trust just brings tears and fights. So where do you go from here?


      All is not lost! You can fix this crack in the windshield of your relationship. Broken trust is like the rock bottom in a relationship. What happens when you hit rock bottom? There is no place to go but up! There is no magic glue that will fix the trust that has been broken and it won't happen over night. First you have to be honest! If you plan to break that trust again. If you plan to lie again. Then walk away. Someone's heart isn't a cell phone without service. Don't just play games. If you aren't 100 percent invested just walk away. If you do wanna make it work its going to take work. Buying a dozen roses and a million sorrys just isn't gonna cut it. You have to rebuild from the grown up. When rebuilding the strongest foundation you can have is honesty. Once the both of you are ready sit down. This a important part. Even though you are hurt you need to let them come clean without fighting or interrupting. If you don't feel like you are ready to let them be honest without interrupting then wait till you are ready.  Once you sit down and get everything out on the table then you can start healing and moving forward. First after hearing the trust decide if you wanna really make it work and if it worth moving forward.  If it is worth is  Start slow. Don't rethink everything. You have to move forward not back. Give them a chance to make everything right. It will take both sides to make it work. You can't constantly accuse them of lying. If you aren't will to rebuild then walk away. Try your best to avoid a fight. Fighting fixes nothing. Take it slow. Grow. Remember there is no  where to go but up. Keep living. Keep learning. Keep loving.


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