I wanted a belly button piercing scene I was 10 years old! I begged my mom for years to take me to get one but of course she was smart and said no. Finally on my 15th birthday my mom gave me permission to get it done. So as a birthday present my best friend's (my best friend at the time) mom took me to get it done. We went the the place where my best friend had gotten her belly button pierced but they guy who pierced her belly button no longer worked there. Little did I know it was the guy's first day who did my piercing. He had me sit one of those metal folding chairs with my butt on the edge of the chair and leaning back. Now I was young and stupid but I have been with a few friends when they have gotten their belly button pierced and every time they piercer has them lay down. It didn't hurt at all and it was done in minutes. He didn't give me any instructions or anything to put on the piecing. I looked up how to take care of it on my own. I cleaned it everyday three times a day. I even cleaned the rings before I would change them. No matter how much I took care of it it just check getting infected. My mom kept telling me to take it out but I was young and stupid. I wanted it for so long that I didn't want to take it out even if it was infected. It got so bad that it started to rip through the skin. I decided to finally take it out because I could see the ring under a very thin layer of skin. It healed up but left a thick scare! I met a few girls in high school that went to the same guy and the same thing happened to them. This was a nightmare! I wish I would have listened to my mom and waiting till I got it done the right way. This nightmare of a piercing didn't scare me away from wanting to get it redone! But this time I am going to do it the right way. I am going to shop around and read reviews to find the best piercer for me. I want to know if you have a piercing or tattoo nightmare! COMMENT BELOW!
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