It's sad but true in the world today haters run rampage! Some if none really want to see people do good and succeeded. There are many different types of haters. There is the bullies, the back stabbers, friend enemies, and the groupies. Haters live off of drama and other peoples pain. Hater means having anger toward everyone reaching success. I'm going to tell you my story and how you to can overcome the haters in life.
The bully is the most popular form of hater in today society. Bullies are the weakest forms of human beings. They are cowards because they go out to hurt those who can't help themselves. As time went on and the world grows you see bulling happening more and more. As the world changes so does bulling. In today's world bulling isn't just about lunch money and it doesn't stop after you go home. It all the time. Everywhere. In today's world boys and girls are being bullied about their looks, their bodies, their families, where they live, how much money they do or don't have, the way they act or don't act, how they dress, or anything under the sun. Bullies are cruel and ruthless. They attack people over things they can't help or change. Because of social media such as facebook and twitter bullies has become worse then ever and more dangerous then every before. Those being bullied are never safe or at easy and may aren't strong enough then they end it just to escape the pain. Have you ever really looked at the lost souls who died due to bulling? They are some of the most beautiful people. The bullies show no sadness or remorse. It happens way too often in today's society.

The backstabber is someone who pretends to care and earns your trust then turns it on you. Sometimes you really don't know who you can and can't trust in life. This happens more with females then males. You meet a new girl maybe at school, work, at the club, or at a party and you really click. You really hit it off. You hang out a few times. She may open up to you about something personal that may or may not be true. Then you feel like you can trust her and open up to her. You tell her something really personal. At first she will pretend to be your friend but them you start hearing stuff about you through the grape vine. Something no one else knew. No one but her. Congratulations you have officially been stabbed in the back. She will slip into your life and you will trust her again and again till you build up a wall that no trust is going to break through. She will try to steal your life. Your friends. The biggest thing about a backstabber is they are jealous. They find people who have what they want but can't have then they will do whatever it takes to take it from you.
Haters can really hit close to home. They can be close friends or even family! This is the most hurtful and scaring form of haters. Sadly I have had friends and family hate on me. This can happen to anyone who really has something going for them. All my life I have had friends who I have been friends with for years hate on me even bully me. I was bullied really bad all through middle school buy two girls that I was best friends with all through my childhood. We grew up in the same neighborhood and our parents even grew up together. We where like sisters. Always clued to each other's sides. Then they talked me into going to their school then everything changed. They ganged up on me. They talked about me and picked on everything about me. They made middle school hell! The bulling got so bad that my grandparents started picking me up and taking me out to lunch. A few time the bulling got so bad we got sent to the office. They said they treated me horrible because that is how our friendship was. I was so glad for middle school to be over with. But the frenemies didn't stop there! There was a girl I was like sisters with my whole life. She was also bullies so we became really close. We would have little falling outs but I would always forgive her because I felt sorry for her. I was really her only true friend. When her parents divorced I was there. When no one showed up to her 16th birthday party I was there. When the 15th boyfriend broke up with her I was her shoulder to cry on. When she was hit by a car I was there for her. I was by her side for weeks after her car accident. At that time 2 billiards it Baltimore so everyday in the snow and ice I would walk up hill to her house to hang out with her. Little did I know I was dealing with a crazy bitch. Once I met my hubby I really got to see her true colors. She got super jealous and she wanted my husband. She started telling people horrible lies about my family. She told people me and my uncle rapped her for 8 years. She said I went into her job and attacked her. She said she had my husband wrapped around her finger and could take him away if she wanted. She told people my husband didn't really love me. That he just felt sorry for me. She told people that I cheated on my husband. She said I slept with her boyfriends. She spread horrible things about me, my family, and my relationship. You don't mess with people I love no matter how long we were friends so I cut ties where her. Still today she tries to make nice with me but I have learned my lesson. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
The groupies! Not the groupies trying to hook up with Justin Bieber at his latest concert but the hater groupies! Yea you know what I'm talking about. The people you really don't have a problem with but they have a problem with you because their boy or home girl is hating on you. This happens a lot with me in my relationship. Girl I didn't even know hated on me because I was with my hubby. All his ex's friends hated on me. I mean I get why his ex's hated on me because my hubby upgraded big time! I didn't even go their school and gossip about us where all over their school. I didn't pay any attention because I'm grown and not petty. Besides they can talk all they want I won in the end. Girl hated all over social media after I started dating my husband. I really lost track of all the statuses and tweets they have mad about us. To this day they still hate! They comment on my facebook pictures and message me "OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS ARE STILL TOGETHER?!". They even block me. All that doesn't both me. After 4 years they still talk. They will whisper, point, and stair. They''l spread gossip and rumors just like they spread their legs but I still win. Misery loves company!
My advice on haters is they are gonna hate! The worse thing you can to is hate right back at the. Never stoop to their level. You are so above all that. Instead of letting it get to you SMILE! SMILE BECAUSE IT KILLS THEM! You can't let them win. Fly above all the drama! Let your haters be your motivators! Love them because they make you famous! If people aren't talking them you aren't doing it right. Sooner or later they'll get bored and move onto something bigger and better. Learn from what they say. Find strengh in what they do to you. Remember and I promise your life will be a million times better then the bullies and the haters! They have nothing bright in their future but you....you have the world at your feet! Go for whatever you dream of never let anyone hold you down. After all you have to fight some wars to build your kingdom or queendom. Keep calm and Carry on!
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