The year 2013 is coming to a close and I have to say it has been good to me! The past year has flown by! I have been thinking back at all my adventures and memories in 2013! I wanted to share a few of my favorite memories from 2013! I want to know what was your favorite memories from 2013 so comment below!!! Enjoy lovebugs!

MY 22ND BIRTHDAY! My birthday this year was very special. I woke up to breakfast in bed with my favorite chocolate cover strawberries from my favorite bakery. I didn't want something super big just family. So my amazing hubby planned a surprised birthday party at the bowling ally where we had our first date! He even got the same lanes we used 3 years ago! It was so sweet! I'm a super sentimental person so this was just perfect. Everything was pink and animal print. After we got done bowling we went to my favorite park and went fishing! I caught my very first fish!

SUMMER 2013! Summer was all around great this year! I worked a lot but we still managed to have so much fun! We did a lot of fishing! We got to go the the beach a lot! The beach is one of my favorite places in the world! We also found out this summer that my hubby is no longer the baby of his family! His step mom and his dad are due to have their little girl any day now!!! This was great news because sadly earlier in the year they had miscarried their first child. I am so blessed to say mama and baby are very happy and healthy! The summer was just so care free and relaxing! I miss it!

MY HUBBY'S 20TH BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! My hubby does so much for me on a daily basis and he manages to make every day special and new! So this year I really wanted to give back to him by spoiling him like a king this year for is birthday! I worked my butt off the make some extra coin to make sure he had the birthday he deserved! I went into work early and stayed late for a whole month the make some extra cash! I made his birthday a whole weekend bash! He loves air soft but now that he works he doesn't get to play as much as he should so I planned a surprise air soft birthday with all his guy pales! I told him I needed to pick up my little brother from a friends birthday party but when we got the the in door air soft arena I had all his closest friends, my brother, and his brother there suited up and ready to play! I rented out the whole arena! I even bought him a new gun to play with! He was so excited his eyes lite up! He had a blast but the fun wasn't over! The day before his birthday I surprised him with tickets to the baseball game! I did much more then get him tickets. His dad lives in PA and they don't see much of each other. So when we went up to our seats there was his dads sitting their waiting for him! Then on his birthday we all had a cookout at the beach! Then went back to my families house to have his birthday party! It felt amazing to make him the special one for a change!

RYDER ALLEN! Words can't explain how amazing it was to see him grow up this past year! I can't help tearing up when I think about it! I remember holding him for the first time now we just celebrated his 2nd birthday! He is so smart and I love watching him grow up! I love teaching him and learning from him! Now he is starting potty training! He know manners are important! He says please and thank you with out even being told to! He gives the best hugs ( gets that from his daddy)! He love barney! Hey knows almost all his colors and numbers! He knows how to spell his name! He loves to read with mommy and play football with daddy! His favorite place is the park! We had a lot of firsts this year! First time to the beach! First time sitting on santa's lap! First baseball game! First Football game! First time at the petting zoo! Meeting his cousin Trisitian! I can't wait to see how you grown more and more in 2014!

THE BALTIMORE RAVENS WON THE SUPER BOWL! We are hug football fans in this family! We play football every Sunday and our most watched tv channel is the NFL channel! So of course when our ravens went to the super bowl we had to do it big! We threw our first big get together in our new home! My whole family was there and my brother in law! We decorated and orders tons of food! The game was amazing! We where cheering, hooting, and hollering! When we won me and my hubby jut held each other and cried! Then we all ran out side! We where hugging people we didn't even know! Everyone was so pumped! We stood on the corner of an hour jumping up and down cheering as passing cars cheered and hunked! It was an evening I will never forget!
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