Hey there! Wizzy here! I just wanted to do this 50 random facts about me to let you guys into my life. I'm doing this to let all you lovely peoples know a little more about me! If you like my 50 random facts I challenge you to tell everyone 50 random facts about you! Enjoy!
- I am 22 years old but a lot of people thing I am a lot younger!
- I was born a month early on May 5 1991.
- Me and mom where both born on the same time but she was born in the AM and I was born in the PM.
- My birthday is on cinco de mayo
- I am 10 year older then my little brother booger.
- I was a huge tom boy growing up
- I loved to skateboard and roller blade.
- I was a dancer for 14 years.
- I have been bullied.
- My favorite colors are pink and green!
- I love tattoos!
- I started wanted a tattoo when I was 10 years old.
- I have had my ears pierced 6 times.
- I got my belly button pierced for my 15th birthday
- I got my first tattoo when I was 16.
- The first tattoo I got was for my grandfather who passed away.
- 4 months after getting my first tattoo I got my second tattoo on my lower back.
- I love old movies
- My favorite movies are Some Like It Hot and Breakfast At Tiffany's
- My full name is Elizabeth Ann Marry Lang
- I am named after my great grandmother and my great aunt
- I have always had a pet.
- I have had 8 dogs, 2 cats, 4 birds, 2 hampers, and 3 turtles
- My favorite animal is a squirrel
- My favorite number is 17
- I love football!
- My favorite football teams are Baltimore Ravens. The Saints, The Giants, The Lions, and The Panthers.
- My nickname in my family is Tiny. I got the nickname Tiny and My cousin got the nickname Biggie because of our boobs sizes
- My grandmother had cancer when my mother way pregnant with me. She says I'm the reason she fought to survive.
- I was born and raised in Baltimore Maryland
- I have traveled to Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Ocean City, Delaware, and New Mexico.
- I am a city girl with Southern Charm.
- I have a southern accent
- My favorite place is the Beach.
- I almost dropped out of high school but I worked my butt off and graduated with high honors
- I am in college for early child hood education.
- I am a nanny.
- I love action photography
- My heros are my grandfather, Ed sabol, my grandmother, and my hubby
- I love jewelry
- I play video games
- My favorite video game are grand theft auto and sims
- I became a published poet in middle school.
- My best friend died in a car accident when we where 7...I was suppose to be in the car with her but I was home sick.
- I love makeup
- I feel like I love to wear makeup but I don't need it to be beautiful
- I sing and dance in the shower
- I love candle lit bubble baths.
- I hated sweets when I was little.
- Me and my mom would watch a Disney movie every night and she would make me goodie bowls full of my favorite fruits

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