Hello my jelly beans! Wizzy here! Welcome back to my blog and happy Friday to you all! Hope you all had a great week and are so ready to turn up this weekend. I know it has been a good minute scene I posted anything mainly because of what this first impression is all about. If you are a video game lover and love gta as much as I do you probably already know that this past Tuesday we finally got what we have all been waiting for! Heists! We gta fans have been waiting over a year for this! Ugh I can't not even put into words how excited I was! It's all I have been doing all week. Unfortunately I've been more trying the play heist instead of actually playing them. Of course nothing can actually work the first time with rockstar. Here are my cons: 1)I had no idea how to download the update. Normally it updates as soon as you load the game. Not the case for me. It took me half an hour to get the update and I still have no idea how I got it. It kind of wouldn't work then started working out of no where! 2) the servers didn't work at all! I could not for the life of me get into a free roam. 3) once I was finally able to start up heist it was insane lagging to the point where I couldn't even play. 4) parts of the heights are rediculously hard. I think the heist are great if you can actually get onto the server to play them. They are a bit challenging but I personally like that about them. There are three parts to the heist. Two setup parts then finally the third part is the actual heist. You start of with two people heist and as you level up you can do a heist with up to four people. You start off with small bank jobs. You can stop heist whenever you need to and pick back up where you left off. To start a heist you go to your heist room in your apartment. All the heist are done through your creepy uncle Lester as he likes to call himself. You get a pretty nice payout. A lot more then we have been making. You also unlock different cars that you use in the heist. My personal favorite is the armored car you unlock in the first heist! With the heist update we got new clothes, masks, and tattoos. The masks are fantastic! By far my favorite extra part of the heist update. Overall once rockstar works on their servers a bit I think heist is incredible and very much worth the wait! Hope you all enjoyed this first impression Friday! Hopefully you found it helpful! Have a great safe weekend everybody!

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