Hello my lovers! Wizzy here! Welcome to my blog! I know it has been a minute but I am finally getting to do a being wizzy! I am so excited for this weeks being wizzy because we are going to talk all about me becoming a big sister! I wanted to do this before jumping into my pre-teen years. So here we go! I was an only child for 9 years! Some people see that as a blessing I on the other hand was super lonely growing up. I always wanted to be a big sister and I always asked God to give me a sibling so I wouldn't have to be alone anymore. Well God answered my prayers when I was 9 and a half. It was very shocking and surprising to find out my mom was pregnant. My mom had my brother by a childhood friend who lived around the corner. They weren't married and that made my mom feel some type of way. She didn't tell anyone she was pregnant till she was 5 months along. She didn't even tell me or the family. She told my aunt who told everyone the news. I was so shocked and excited that I literally passed out on the floor! I was so shocked, happy, over joyed, and excited to be a big sister finally after over 9 years! It didn't matter to me who my mom got pregnant by or if they were married. All I cared about was being the best big sister I could be. I don't remember a lot of my mom's pregnancy. I vaguely remember going to hear the heart beat and the baby shower. The big part of the pregnancy I remember is finding out the sex of the baby! It's a boy!!! I was having a little brother! I won't lie! I cried and may have freaked out a bit! I wanted a little sister. However as soon as he was born I knew my life would never be the same and I was grateful. I remember a lot about my brother coming into the world! My mom went into labor on Halloween! She was suppose to go to the doctors and I was going to go along with her. So it wasn't a shocked when my pop got me out of school early. When I got home they asked if I wanted to go over the hospital with my mom. I thought to meet her for her appointment. Boy was I surprised to see my mom in a hospital gown and hooked up to machines! My little brother was on his way and I couldn't wait to meet him! That Halloween was a very eventful one! My aunt and grandmother were at the hospital with my mom so my uncles took me out trick or treating! That was an experience. I was a hippie that year and had this long blonde wig. Two grown men fussing over getting this wig to stay on was hilarious! We still laugh about it to the day! I had bobby pins for days in my hair still couldn't keep it on! Bless their hearts they tried! I really wanted to spend the night with my mom but they said I could come over as soon as I woke up in the morning. On the morning of November 1, 2000 my grandmother told me I was a big sister to a healthy baby brother. His name is Dominic Vincent Lang. He is named after a dear family friend who passed away the day my mom got married. I was jumping for joy! I couldn't get over the hospital fast enough. I will never ever forget that day. I remember holding him for the first time and I never felt a love like that. I knew I was bonded to this little human being for life and it was my duty to protect him. I remember promising him that I would always be there for him and that no one would hurt him. I became my bothers keeper. I wanted a sister but I couldn't ask for a more amazing little brother. The moment he looked at me he stole my heart. My whole life felt new. I was starting a new chapter in my life with a new title. Big sister. I am so proud to be the big sister of Dominic Vincent lang. I am so blessed that he is my little booger. He is really the best! God knew what he was doing when he gave me my booger and I am so thankful he did.

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