Friday, January 3, 2014

Me and My sibling!

                                                                      SIBLING TAG!

  1. Who is the oldest?  ME! I am 10 years older then my little brother!
  2. Any nicknames? I nicknamed my little brother BOOGER! He got that name from that movie hot chick! When he was little he would always dress up in my dance costumes and my high heels just like the little brother in the movie! He hates it but no matter how old he gets he will always be my little BOOGER!
  3. Funniest Memory? For a really long time I had him thinking he was from ups and one time I told him his as an alien. He use to cry so much! lol
  4. Scariest Memory? When he was 3 years old he got lost at the mall. He had just started potty training and he had to go potty so he took off looking for one. Thank God we found him butt ass naked in the dollar store telling the store lady he went potty. I was so scared! I was running through the mall and calling his name. Thank God we found him!
  5. Most Memorable Argument? We fight all the time over my husband lol! I want alone time and he wants bro time! We fight for is attention  A LOT but I am so glad they are so close.
  6. Most cherished memory? When he was born! I really wanted a sister but I wouldn't trade my booger for the world!
  7. Old photo? Yes! Me and Booger at my high school graduation and my husband and booger at our senior prom! 
  8. Last thing we talked about? If he could hang out with my husband after he gets of work! lol
  9. Are you close? We may not seem like we are but when it comes down to it we have each others backs. I may be hard on him but no one else better mess with him!
  10. Do you hang out or do stuff together? We all hang out a lot! He plays street football with my husband and I do the photography. He is always come up to our house to hang out.
  11. Have you ever liked one of your siblings friends? Uummm....HELL NO! I AM NO CREEPER! 
  12. One thing you can do but your sibling can't? Drink lol I am 22 and he is 13! I can also get a job! Stay up late! Drive!
  13. Who is better looking? ME!:D
  14. Who is the most creative? I am the creative one and he is the sporty type.

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