Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello June!


            It's June!!! I can't believe it! Where did May go?! June is one of my favorite months! There is so much going on in the month of June. For starts we have father's day! Then in that same week it's Charlie's ( my incredible hubby) 21st birthday!. Because it is his 21st birthday we have to go big! You only turn 21 once! So his birthday is going to be a week long affair. We will be doing several different family party and friend get together. We both have that week off and I am over the moon excited! A week after Charlie's birthday is my brother in law John's  birthday. Not to mention our 4 year and 4 month anniversary is on Charlie's birthday. Add in blogging and work! We have a very busy month a head of us! WELCOME JUNE!