Hello my lovers! Happy hump day! Congratulations for making it half way through the week. I feel like I havn't done a wellness Wednesday in forever!!! So I thought I would update you all on how my wellness journey is going. Sadly it isn't going very well. I really fell off the fitness wagon around Christmas time. I think the biggest struggle for me is stress and lately I have had enough of it. When I get stressed I tend to become seriously lazy and I tend to over eat. It is such a struggle! Every year around Christmas I get super stress about money and making sure to get everyone something special. December was just a horrible month for wellness for me. I was over eating do to stress and not eating healthy at all! You all know December is like the month of goodies! So many baked goods so little time. Then in December our car started having issues which ment not having a way to the gym. We didn't make it to the gym till after New Years. That is our current struggle!! We are finally back eating healthy and our car is up and working again but now going to the gym is ridiculous. Due to everyone's New Years fitness resolutions the gym is so packed that you can't even move around anymore! Don't get me wrong I love to see people bettering themselves and getting healthy but it has been way too crowded lately. It has been so packed that Charlie and I havnt been able to work out the way we need to or would like. We went yesterday to go work out and there were literally lines to use the work out aquitment! Charlie waited in line 20min to use the bars. People would use the machines for ever knowing that there was people waiting to use them. How rude right! It was so frustrating because we got nothing done. Currently we go to Planet Fitness in Dundalk. If you live in Baltimore you know exactly where that is. It is about a 40 min drive from where we are living now. We really don't have a Planet Fitness near us so we are looking into other gyms closer to home that may not be as crowded. We have also been going back and forth with the idea of a home gym. Obviously that be more expensive but we would get a lot of use out of it. Slowly but surely we are getting back on our fitness track! If you live in the maryland area and have a gym that you love comment below!!! Thank you so much so stopping by! See you soon!!
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