On a beautiful Sunday morning in May I was born! May 5 1991 to be exact. I was born to my mother Laura Ann Lang and my father Willaim Wayne Lang. I was there first born. I'm the special one! I was conceived about three month after my parents got married and was born just short of their wedding anniversary. The pregnancy wasn't a easy one for my mother. Due to issues at home my father made her pregnacy nearly unbearable. He was a horrible man which you will learn more about in this segment. One night he hit her so bad he threw my mother into labor. I was only a week early my due date was suppose to me Mother's Day. She always tells me how the hospital send her home at first and she did EVERYTHING to get me out! From walking around the block to eating hot foods. She never let me live it down that she was in 36 hours of labor. During labor there where some complications. The cord got wrapped around my neck. My heart beat was dropping fast! So they rushed my mother in for a c-section. I was more at 6:50 pm. The time I was born is very special and cool because my mother was born at 6:50 am. I was a super tiny little thing. I weighted 5ib 8oz and was 17 1/4 long. I was born at John Hopkins hospital in Baltimore Maryland. Bryan irye was the doctor who delivered me into this world. Mom says I was a super happy baby. WIZZY is just my nickname and I go by Lizz now but I was born Elizabeth Ann Lang. Elizabeth and Ann are both really popular names in my family my mother's middle name is Ann, my grandmother's middle name is Elizabeth, and my great grandmother's name is Elizabeth Ann. So that is how I was born. That is the beginning of being wizzy. I wanna know your beginnings! Comment below how you came into the world!
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