Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. Family is a huge apart of my life. They are so key to who I am today that I wanted to share my family with you all. I come from a huge Greek, German, and Irish family. As you can imagine we are very loud! We don't yell. We just talk really REALLY loud. We do big very well. Big meals. Big Family. Big get togethers. Big dreams. Big hearts. BIG LOVE. We may not always see eye to eye but we always have each others backs. We may fuss with eat other through the day but we always kiss each other good night and say we love each other. I grew up very blessed. I grew up in a house filled with love. I lived with my aunt, my two uncles, my little brother, my mom, and my grandparents. Yup all of us in one row house. We only had one bath room! You can all just imagine how that was. A nightmare. We struggled. Somehow we managed to keep it together. We always had food on the table and a warm bed to rest our head. I am so thankful for my family and what they have instilled in me.

I didn't have a birth father in my life. I was lucky enough to have an amazing grandfather who made an incredible father figure. Growing up it didn't faze me that my birth father wasn't around because I have my grandfather to fill that void. He did everything a father is suppose to do and more. He was protective and always keeping me on the straight and narrow. He wasn't the biggest guy in the world but he was tough. He didn't take crap off of anyone no matter how big they were. He was the strength of our family. He worked hard and long hours just to make sure we had everything we needed. He would get up at the crack of dawn to go grocery shopping. When we all woke up he already had the house clean, hot coffee made, and our favorite fresh doughnuts. Every Saturday we would watch cops and Americas most wanted. On the weekends I would wait up late and he would take me on his nightly rounds at his work. He would hold my arm when crossing the street no matter how old I was. Everyday he would pick me up from school and wait right out front the doors. Some may see that as embarrassing but it was love to us. He didn't say it much. He didn't need to because we showed it through his actions. He was the man in my life for a really long time. I grew up wanting my prince charming to be just like him. Sadly we lost him almost 6 years ago to a bad heart. It was very hard....still is....much I know and I can feel him always looking over my shoulder. He is always there to show me the way. R.i.p pop gone but never forgotten!

My grandma is the heart and soul to our family. She has such an amazing heart! She gives to everyone. We are extremely close. Growing up we couldn't be away from each other. If we spent more then a couple hours one of us would get sick. We where inseparable during my childhood. Every night she was the one who tucked me in. She would tell me stories and sing me to sleep. One of my favorite memories is every night she would sing me the guardian angel prayer. She taught me to be a lady but not to let anyone walk all over you. People say I get my attitude from her. She is the sweetest woman on earth until you mess with her family. She taught me how to be a home maker, a dedicated wife, and beyond amazing loving mother. Now that I am madly in love with my husband I have a huge new found respect for her. Just the thought of me losing my husband brings me to tears. I don't know how she has the strength to get out of bed everyday after loosing my grandfather. She not only gets out of bed but she really keeps this family moving. She is honestly the warmest, strongest, caring, loving, and classiest woman I have ever met. I am so proud to be her granddaughter and to follow in her amazing footsteps.

Me and my mama don't have your typical mom and daughter relationship. My mom isn't your typical cookie cutter mom. This mite not make scene to a lot of people but if you watch the show sons of anarchy you'll get it. My mother is Gemma Teller! My mom is a wild one! She rode on the back of Harley's and guys had epic battles over her! She has no filter and says whatever pops into her head. She has her faults and we butt heads often but she has a special kind of strength. She raised me and my brother without either of our fathers around. They only support she got raising us was her family. Our fathers didn't support us financially so my mom had to work three jobs. She worked three jobs and put herself through nursing school. She worked her butt off so we didn't need to go with out. She taught me the meaning of hard work and how to hustle for what I want. She taught me that hard work pays off. My mama is one bad bitch and I wouldn't trade her for the world! She may not realize it but I do love my mom to the moon and back. I will forever love her and defend her. I don't want the typical cookie cutter mother and daughter relationship. I wouldn't trade our special mother and daughter relationship for the world.

My brother and I are 10 years apart in age! He is honestly a great kid and I have truly enjoyed watching him grow into the most amazing young gentleman. So first of let me explain his nickname. When he was born the movie "Hot Chick" came out and the main character's little brother's nickname is booger. I dance for 14 years and I love fashion so I had a crap lode of old costumes and heels around the house. He loved to dress up in my old costumes! He was super dooper into the wiggles and he use to dress up in my high heel boots pretending he was captain feather sword. The brother in the movie "Hot Chicks" dressed up in his sister's closed and high heels. I started calling my brother booger and I still call him booger till this day! He hates it but he will forever be my little booger! I was so mean to him when we where growing up! When he asked me where he came from I told him he was from fedex and they dropped him off at the wrong house! He has two little scars on his forehead from when he was born so I always told him he was an alien and those scars where were his tentacles where. haha. Good times! He is 13 years old but honestly he is the most mature and respectful teenage I ever met! I am so proud of who he is! He does so well in school and he is very close to getting his black belt is kenpo karate! He does drive me crazy from time to time. He is super close to my husband so we are always fighting for his time! Booger always wants his bro time! He is spending the night at our house every chance he gets. I wanted a sister but I am so grateful and thankful God have me my booger. I love my little booger!

My aunt Patty is more like a mom then an aunt! She is my mom's sister. She was like 16 years old when I was born. The first place I went after I came home from the hospital was to pick her up from school. She use to take me with her everywhere with her! She even use to take me with her when she went to study at her best friends house. Along side my grandmother she was a huge mother figure in my life. She made sure I stayed out of trouble and doing what I am suppose to do. She taught me to finish everything I start. I am very thankful for her. I owe a lot to her. She really helped me stay focused. I know I gave her a hard time often but she really is the reason I am where I am. She pushed me to finish school and really apply myself. Show taught me to push myself and never let anyone walk all over me! Every day I push myself to be a better woman because she taught me to push my self.

This man is the reason I am so spoiled! Charlie this is the man you have to thank! haha. He is my mom's brother. He is another father figure in my life. He did a lot of the daddy things. He bought and helped me pick out all the important dresses such as my prom and homecoming dresses. He taught me how to drive. He spoiled me scene birth! He bought every cute outfit from every store we went to. He took me to all the circus and ice shows. He paid for my dance classes and costumes. He always made sure I had everything I needed and wanted. We spent a lot of time together when I was growing up! He even took me on vacations with him. He was at every swim class and every recital! He would stand in line all night to make sure we had front row tickets to my recital. He supports everything I do and I am so grateful to have him as my uncle!

My uncle Billy is the survivor in our family. He is a survivor of cancer. He is currently going through cancer again. We have a very different type of father daughter relationship. He is the cool uncle. Growing up my uncle and his friends from childhood ( know as the canton boys) would sit on the stoop in the summer drinking beer and reminiscing. I loved to hang out with them! They would sit me up in the tree in front of my house. I was with my boys. I saw them all as my uncles. I used to sit with them for hours and listen to their crazy stories! He isn't perfect and he thinks I love my uncle Dave more then him but I honestly respect him and look up to his strength.
I have learned so much from my ohana! I am the woman I am today because of the wisdom and lessons they have instilled in me. The greatest lesson I have learned is the greatest thing is to love and be loved in return. Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

Me and my mama don't have your typical mom and daughter relationship. My mom isn't your typical cookie cutter mom. This mite not make scene to a lot of people but if you watch the show sons of anarchy you'll get it. My mother is Gemma Teller! My mom is a wild one! She rode on the back of Harley's and guys had epic battles over her! She has no filter and says whatever pops into her head. She has her faults and we butt heads often but she has a special kind of strength. She raised me and my brother without either of our fathers around. They only support she got raising us was her family. Our fathers didn't support us financially so my mom had to work three jobs. She worked three jobs and put herself through nursing school. She worked her butt off so we didn't need to go with out. She taught me the meaning of hard work and how to hustle for what I want. She taught me that hard work pays off. My mama is one bad bitch and I wouldn't trade her for the world! She may not realize it but I do love my mom to the moon and back. I will forever love her and defend her. I don't want the typical cookie cutter mother and daughter relationship. I wouldn't trade our special mother and daughter relationship for the world.

My brother and I are 10 years apart in age! He is honestly a great kid and I have truly enjoyed watching him grow into the most amazing young gentleman. So first of let me explain his nickname. When he was born the movie "Hot Chick" came out and the main character's little brother's nickname is booger. I dance for 14 years and I love fashion so I had a crap lode of old costumes and heels around the house. He loved to dress up in my old costumes! He was super dooper into the wiggles and he use to dress up in my high heel boots pretending he was captain feather sword. The brother in the movie "Hot Chicks" dressed up in his sister's closed and high heels. I started calling my brother booger and I still call him booger till this day! He hates it but he will forever be my little booger! I was so mean to him when we where growing up! When he asked me where he came from I told him he was from fedex and they dropped him off at the wrong house! He has two little scars on his forehead from when he was born so I always told him he was an alien and those scars where were his tentacles where. haha. Good times! He is 13 years old but honestly he is the most mature and respectful teenage I ever met! I am so proud of who he is! He does so well in school and he is very close to getting his black belt is kenpo karate! He does drive me crazy from time to time. He is super close to my husband so we are always fighting for his time! Booger always wants his bro time! He is spending the night at our house every chance he gets. I wanted a sister but I am so grateful and thankful God have me my booger. I love my little booger!

My aunt Patty is more like a mom then an aunt! She is my mom's sister. She was like 16 years old when I was born. The first place I went after I came home from the hospital was to pick her up from school. She use to take me with her everywhere with her! She even use to take me with her when she went to study at her best friends house. Along side my grandmother she was a huge mother figure in my life. She made sure I stayed out of trouble and doing what I am suppose to do. She taught me to finish everything I start. I am very thankful for her. I owe a lot to her. She really helped me stay focused. I know I gave her a hard time often but she really is the reason I am where I am. She pushed me to finish school and really apply myself. Show taught me to push myself and never let anyone walk all over me! Every day I push myself to be a better woman because she taught me to push my self.

This man is the reason I am so spoiled! Charlie this is the man you have to thank! haha. He is my mom's brother. He is another father figure in my life. He did a lot of the daddy things. He bought and helped me pick out all the important dresses such as my prom and homecoming dresses. He taught me how to drive. He spoiled me scene birth! He bought every cute outfit from every store we went to. He took me to all the circus and ice shows. He paid for my dance classes and costumes. He always made sure I had everything I needed and wanted. We spent a lot of time together when I was growing up! He even took me on vacations with him. He was at every swim class and every recital! He would stand in line all night to make sure we had front row tickets to my recital. He supports everything I do and I am so grateful to have him as my uncle!

My uncle Billy is the survivor in our family. He is a survivor of cancer. He is currently going through cancer again. We have a very different type of father daughter relationship. He is the cool uncle. Growing up my uncle and his friends from childhood ( know as the canton boys) would sit on the stoop in the summer drinking beer and reminiscing. I loved to hang out with them! They would sit me up in the tree in front of my house. I was with my boys. I saw them all as my uncles. I used to sit with them for hours and listen to their crazy stories! He isn't perfect and he thinks I love my uncle Dave more then him but I honestly respect him and look up to his strength.
I have learned so much from my ohana! I am the woman I am today because of the wisdom and lessons they have instilled in me. The greatest lesson I have learned is the greatest thing is to love and be loved in return. Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

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