Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dear Graduates!

                    Commencement 2015

                Hi there! Wizzy Here! It is a very special time of year. It is graduation season yet again! I love graduation season! I really love seeing my friends and family graduating from all levels of education. I loving seeing all the graduates and their loved ones on my news feed. I admit it's been a while scene me and charlie graduated high school. I have been out of school for 5 years now and I have learned somethings along the way. I have a few things I want to share with the classes of 2015!

Dear Middle School Graduates,

                  Congratulations!  You made it through what to me was the hardest three years of school! Lets be honest middle school sucks! You made it! You did it! You survived! You survived three rough and awkward years. Being in middle school is just that being in the middle. You aren't a kid but you aren't a teenager yet. You are just starting to bloom into the person you are going to be. You made it through middle school now you are off to high school. Now this can be really scary. Going from middle to high school is a big leap! The transition into high school comes with big changes. When you are in middle school you tend to have a small group of friends. These people become your best friends then the time comes to pick high schools and you don't all go to the same place. You start taking different paths in life. Yes friendships do tend to go separate ways. That doesn't always have to be the case. If you really care about those friends and want to stay close then you make it work. Don't be upset if you can't make those friendships last because maybe it just wasn't met to be.  In high school you will do a lot of growing and learning about your self. You will fall. You will dust your self off and keep it moving. You will make mistakes. You be ok. You will make it through and you will be just fine. Now my advice to you. School is not that bad. I know it sucks and feels so stupid but it will fly by! My biggest regret is not applying myself like I should have. The work really isn't that hard. Just try your best. Do the work. Hand the work in! You can do it. It really isn't that bad.

   Dear High School Graduates,

                    Congratulations!!! You made it through four very long years of high school. High school can be the best of times and the worst of times. In high school you started the long process of finding yourself. Trust me when you may feel like you know who you never really know who you are. You never really know who you are because  you are always going to be growing and learning. There is no doubt that you have gone through an extreme transformation from that awkward 9th grader to the fresh young adult. As you throw your cap into the air with your diploma in hand this is the most exciting yet terrifying moment so far in your life. Your future starts today! You are now a " grown up". You are now fully responsible for yourself! No more depending on mom to do everything for you. You now have to take control of your own life and future. This is so scary! I've been there! They throw you didn't the real world with lets be honest no real training! You don't know how taxes or credit really works. I bet you know all the tables of every subject you ever had to study. Life is scary no doubt about it. So lets all take a deep breath! My advice to you is that it is okay to not be ready and to be scared. It is okay to not know what you wanna be when you grow up! I am 24 and I swear I change my mind everyday about what I wanna do with my life. Take baby steps. Take life day by day. Just roll with the bunches and never give up. Learn as you go. Just try your best and remember you don't know everything so it is okay to ask for help.

     Dear Collage Graduates,

                        WOOHOO! CONGRATS! You are finished! You made it! No more teachers! No more papers! No more essays! No more exams or finals! No more classes! You are so done! This is such a proud moment in your adult life! You are officially ready to start your life as an adult. Now I know a lot of you put so much pressure on yourself. You feel like in should have your life together by now. You should have your dream job set up or a billion offers! You should be engaged and planning a wedding. You should be doing everything you see other adults doing. STOP! Stop please! You just finished maybe the hardest years of education yet so give your self a pat on the back and take it easy. We only have one life so don't rush it away. The dream wedding, house, job, and family will all come when the time is right!   Take it one day at  a time. Being a grown up is hard! Go home and take a little breather for the summer. Then go out and find that dream job you have been working so hard for. It is fine to not have your shit together. Honestly no one every really has all their shit together.  There is always something new that is going to be happening. There will always be some new to learn. Let God take the wheel and point you to where you need to be. Just go with it.


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